In 2017 Asian Adventures along with Chintan began the initiative of Zero waste Pangot. An Initiative which ran workshops with the staff of all hotels and lodges in Pangot. To maintain the pristine, and undisturbed natural areas around Pangot. The training was imparted to segregate waste and improving the well-being of the local people as well as educated the tourists. The idea was to maintain and conserve the Himalayas for future generations.
in 2019 the concept of Eco walks took shape which intended to offer tourists an insight into the impact of human beings on the environment and to foster a greater appreciation of our natural habitats.
2020 Eco walks in Pangot will give an insight to promoting the 4 R’s Refuse, Reuse, Recycle, Reduce as well as the creation of economic opportunities for local communities in form of education and training and certifications of the local youngsters.